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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ৬ মার্চ ২০১৭

Main Technical Features of Rooppur NPP

Features  Value
Number of Units  2
Basic Design AES-2006(VVER-1200)
Reference Plant  Novovoronezh NPP-2

Seismic Impact 

Maximum Design Earthquake (MDE)

Design Basis Earthquake (DBE)




Aircraft Crash  up to 5.7 t falling at a velocity of 100m/s 
Utilization factor  92%
Construction Period

Unit-1: 86 months after FCD

Unit-2: 98 months after FCD

Service life:

Power unit

Reactor plant 


50 years

60 years

Thermal output (each unit) 3212 MW
Power unit capacity  Not less than 1150 MW (at water temperature equal to 28°C)
Period between re-fueling  12 months 
Coolant pressure at the core outlet  16.2±0.3MPa
Coolant Pressure at the reactor inlet  298.2°C
Coolant Pressure at the reactor outlet  328.6°C